The Centre For Missional Leadership at St. Andrew’s Hall is hosting a conference exploring “Rhythms and Rituals: Christian Formation on the Edges of Western Culture. ” If you’re in or around Vancouver BC, May 2-4 I invite you to participate.
The conference website says:

As Western culture grows more secular and Christianity finds itself toward the edges of culture, Canadian church plants are witnessing to God’s love in the world in new ways. This conference will explore how the rhythms and rituals for leadership, worship gatherings, and discipleship and formation are being adapted in contexts. Grounded in missional theology, this conference will highlight how God’s Spirit continues to guide the church through this time of transition.
The keynote speaker will be Dr. Stefan Paas, a church planter and a professor from the Free University of Amsterdam. Canadian church planters will also lead workshops and storytelling sessions during our three days on the UBC campus. This conference is for church planters, researchers, students, congregational leaders, and anyone who is curious about the new things that God is sprouting up in the church.

BTW – If you don’t know Dr. Stefan Paas, in addition to being a professor, he pioneered a couple of faith communities in the Netherlands, and is the author numerous books, including Church Planting in the Secular West: Learning from the European Experience. I can’t wait!
I get to offer a short talk and offer a workshop. And yes, I am a Canadian – a Manitoba boy – currently living in Washington state.
Peace, dwight