In response to the ongoing and rapid biotech innovation and evolution, with its corresponding impact on the our planet and its climate, the UN-Environment Programme (UNEP) felt prompted to make a series of very helpful governing recommendations to its 193 member states. The first set of recommendations was released – in the blue colored report to the right – just before the outbreak of COVID in 2019.

The second report, containing an update on member state actions since the report’s release, helpful insights on how the pandemic impacted the implementation of the recommendations, plus emergent recommendations in the wake of continued ongoing technological innovation. The latest report published at the end of 2023 is titled, Environmental Rule of Law: Tracking Progress and Charting Future Directions (left).
On March 12th 2024, at 10:00AM CET or 1:00AM Pacific, there is a Live Stream global launch of the report “Environmental Rule of Law: Tracking Progress and Charting Future Directions”, organized by the UN Environment Programme in partnership with the Geneva Environment Network, where they will introduce the report’s findings and recommendations and facilitate discussions aimed at promoting and strengthening environmental rule of law.
If you’ve read this far, then I would encourage you to make time for the live stream… and talk about it with 2 or 3 other people in your life. We need to keep expanding the conversation.
Peace, dwight