While I wasn’t able to attend COP28 in person, it’s been so great to the reports from my multi-faith colleagues about the remarkable advancement in the active participation of world’s faiths, religions, and spiritualities in the conversation. 84-85% of the earth’s inhabitants identify with a faith tradition. If participation with the SDGs and other sustainable and inclusive practices can be authentically framed as faithful expressions of their respective faith tradition then we may be more likely to make, not only the top down policy changes that are needed but also, personal, and local community changes in practice and posture.
By the way, “COP 28” refers to the twenty-eighth “Conference Of Parties” to the United Nations Climate Change Conference which took place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Nov 30 – Dec 13, 2023.
It seems the momentum for multifaith engagement in UN-Habitat, the SDGs, The New Urban Agenda, and The City we Need Now! continues to grow. I find this very exciting. When I look at the 17 SDGs, I can’t help but see a practical example of what Jesus helping us imagine when Jesus talked about the “reign of God” or the “kingdom of God.” Take a look for yourself.
If you’re interested in getting involved, there is room for you. I am working with Chris Elisara and the folks over at Faith For Cities, Parish Collective, and Urban Shalom Society. We’re already getting ready for this year’s World Urban Forum 12, happening in Cairo, Egypt in November of 2024.
Peace, dwight