Last night I tested COVID positive! After dinner a headache, body aches, and a cough settled in. Then today I’ve had a sore throat, and a low grade fever hovering around 100. And I’m fully vaccinated, boosted, and wear a KN-95 mask most of the time. I generally feel like I was hit by a bus… been in bed most of the day.

Over the weekend I attended the Inhabit Conference. It was the largest gathering I’ve participated in for more than two years. Then on Monday Tim Soerens and the crew at Parish Collective sent out an email informing Inhabit participants that numerous people were reporting COVID cases after being at the conference. There were a lot of people not masking, that coupled with a lot of singing. Well the rest is history.

This is a powerful reminder how vital it is to trust science, get your shots, continue to wear masks, and avoid singing in groups… when we sing we need at least twice the social distancing space… 12 feet.

Peace, dwight

Tested COVID Positive
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