I stumbled across this article by David Malone highlighting some of the intentional steps – pardon the pun – that the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is taking to make it a more walkable city. Walkability is a vital to making our places scaled for people and community. So many “modern cities” especially in Canada and the USA are designed not for human beings, but for cars.
If you have looked for an apartment or a house lately then you have encountered “Walkability Scores.” Being able to walk to cafes, pubs, restaurants, shops, places of worship, parks, etc. continues to become more and more desirable by human beings who value embodiment and community while caring for God’s creation. I’m not saying anything new, here but I’m grateful that Seattle is purposefully planning and investing unto more human scaled development.
Many of the Seattle’s surrounding cities, suburbs and towns are working on this too… sadly so many of these neighborhoods are littered with single family dwellings. The North American obsession with single family dwellings and big yards is such a huge obstacle to human flourishing. So here’s a link to the article:
Here’s to walking out your front door and getting a cup of coffee with a friend.
Peace, dwight