Annually, at the end of the Spring term at The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology we gather to hear TEDish-styled presentations from graduating seniors. While most of the presentations are made by graduates of the school’s theology programs, some counseling students elect to do this as well. This year like last, COVID has required us to go online.
Friday, June 11th, 2021 from 1:00pm-2:30PM (Pacific Time) you can join us for a Virtual Q&A with the student presenters: Register here. Below are their presentations:

Father, Son, and The Aloha Spirit: An Anticolonial Engagement with Decolonial Theologies
Millicent Haase, MDiv

Hawaii Pupu Sampler: A Historical Account and Cookbook of Hawaii Local Dishes
Keone Villaplaza, MATC
Elders and Adolescents: Adolescence Reimagined
Michael Alfstad, MATC

Transfiguration of the Maternal Bond: Re-forming Divine Image through Embodied Visual Memoir
Ellie Bosworth, MATC

Stitch by Stitch: Art from the Ashes
Emma Groppe, MATC

Recovery, Escape, and Consolation: Fantasy’s Generous Gifts
Lisa LaMarche, MATC

Blood and Soil: Tending Ancestral Wounds of White Christianity
Kathryn Fontana, MDiv

The Idolatry of Consciousness: Materiality and Spirituality in Christian Formation
Samuel Koekkoek, MDiv

In the Realm of Jungian Psychoanalysis: Examining Popular Culture Fandom as a Catalyst for Individuation
Rachel Zeller, MACP

Tiny Pieces: Finding “Wholiness” by Shattering the Body Terrorism of the Church and Forming a New Embodied Theology of Imago Trini Dei
Sophie Katrina Fitzpatrick, MDiv

Toward an Inclusive, Anticolonial Hermeneutic of the Bible
Jana Grosenbach Peterson, MDiv

Deconstruction: Toward the Prophetic Art of Language Construction
Mikaela Serafin, MDiv and MACP
Peace, dwight