So are you? Are you ready for 2021?
If you’re like me, you’re ready for a new normal… eager to leave 2020 in the rearview mirror. However, just because the presidential election is over doesn’t mean this decade of accelerating change is showing any signs of slowing.
One of the hope-filled practices that not only not only gives me perspective but helps me seize my agency in moments like these, is looking hard things straight on and embracing them as design opportunities. I kid you not, this has helped me. Yet, I have a hard time doing this by myself.
Which is why Tom Sine & I are offering this free webinar drawing from the book we researched and wrote together.
FRIDAY, November 20th @ 11:00 AM Pacific Time
COVID-19 will still be here next year… and we will likely have a COVID-economy for some time. Our global climate crisis will still be raging. The disparity between rich and poor will continue to widen. Black and brown bodied people are still being killed by our unjust systems of “policing” and incarcerated at inhumane rates. Housing costs continue to rise, and more and more people are either houseless or even homeless. Children separated from their parents will still be held in cages at US borders. 1000s of people will still be dying of gun violence. In many places depression and death by suicide are on the rise; as are domestic violence, separation/divorce, and drug/alcohol addiction. We will still see growing numbers of unemployed and underemployed young people. Our data will still be mined and extorted for profit by tech companies as the Code War continues to rage; in fact they are harvesting even more of our data because we have to spend our so much of our lives online. And the list of changes that 2021 will likely bring get way more particular as you listen to what’s going on in your local context.
This free webinar is a great introduction to an ancient Christian practice that can help you can your community be more ready for what is coming your way. Tom Sine and I will be hosting this webinar based on our new book, 2020s Foresight: Three Vital Practices for Thriving in a Decade of Accelerating Change. The fee webinar will be held on:
FRIDAY, November 20th, at 11:00 AM Pacific Time
If possible for you, we’d recommend, not only joining in the conversation but inviting a or two friend from your neighborhood or your organization to join you so you can collaborate toward your new normal.
Peace, dwight