You are here! Actually your are there; I am here. This is amazing! This is real.
Like no time in modern history – or least not since the inventions of the steam ship, the locative, the automobile, and the airplane – are we being reminded that we actually live somewhere. With the speed of normal life, many of us had begun to feel as though we were rudderless, with no roots grounding us in time or in place. It feels like that might be changing. We seem to be rediscovering that were are somewhere.
You are here. And your “here” is unique to you, even if it’s not really a possession,afterall, you share your “here” with neighbors. Real people!
People you’re likely beginning to recognize differently; maybe, with whom you even feel solidarity. You’re finding yourself wanting to help, to encourage, to cheer at 7:00PM… if you’re like me, my gratitude and care for the handful of people I live in proximity with grows with each passing pandemic day. We need each other.
What may be even more profound – if we will pay attention – we are sensing with our whole beings that how we are, where we are really matters… life and death. And you know I’m not exaggerating. Its true! How you live, where are you are matters.
What it this were true, even without COVID19?
Peace, dwight