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Music is vital to surviving this shelter in place era.  One bright spot for me was receiving my vinyl copy of the final recording in the 11 year trilogy by Seattle’s Human Cargo, “Begin.” If you don’t know Human Cargo, I think you should.  Human Cargo, like Pedro the Lion, LCD Soundsystem, or Tame Impala is really one person with a revolving cast of artists… db Hutton or simply, Don Hutton

Before getting into the specifics of Human Cargo’s “Begin,” you should know that I love everything about getting a new record.  Studying the 12-inch square piece of art, both front & back, pouring over the liner notes, imagining the artist’s intent/dreams/desires, and maybe most of all that first listen. 

Sometimes I like to read the lyrics as I listen, other times I like to experience the music while laying on the floor between my speakers; eyes closed, and simply feel it.  That first “listen” of any new offering is take-off-your-shoes, bow-your-head, holy ground… at least for me.  A person – usually a group of people – created something, considered it; and risked offering themselves through their creation to the world.  Right there, that is enough!  What kind of crazy, beautiful courage is that! 

As long as I can remember, I’ve intentionally prepared myself to receive a new recording.  The first time I waited in line for the midnight release of a new record was U2’s Joshua Tree… 1987.  I wanted to be ready. Before I went to the music shop that Monday night/Tuesday Morning I listened to all U2’s records in order.  I listened my way through: Three, Boy, War, Under a Blood Red Sky, Unforgettable Fire, Wide Awake in America and the smattering of singles I had…  I did the same before listening to Human Cargo’s new record. 

Like the rest of us, artists are also first-time-humans journeying through life doing the best they can… we share that. I have come to love opening myself up to semiotically listen for the ways in which the artist’s movements and shifts, playfulness and experimentation, genre bending and giving of themselves might dare me to do the same.  This is just one of the many reasons I listen to everything Human Cargo produces.

“Begin” is a beautiful release.  I literally laughed and cried as I listened.  “Begin” is simultaneously Human Cargo’s most complex multifaceted release while also being the most approachable.  The first track, “The day I left home” is worth the price of the record… is echoes in my heart.  “Options” makes is smile, though I literally laughed out loud the first time I heard it, and “familiar voices” reminded me that I’m not alone. 

Begin” by Human Cargo, available at (one of the best sources for finding & supporting musicians)

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Forget MeSleep Off the HiwayBegin
“Begin” by Human Cargo
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