This weekend I have been invited to join the Evergreen Mennonite Church drawing out its collective narrative and listening to God’s invitation to them in light of who they are becoming.

We’re calling the time:

Listening to our Story:  Exploring our Future

Grounded in the biblical theme of faith, hope, and love as exemplified in Hebrews 11, the community will come together as a Christian community of faith to explore God’s presence in our church’s narrative of the past, while forming together dreams of where God’s Spirit is actively calling us to engage with our future.  This is a unique opportunity for the collective all to intentionally name, celebrate, lament and gain inspiration for where God’s leading has been and where God is forming new life within ourselves and as a collective community.  The retreat will be from 9:00 to 5:00 on April 5, with an opportunity to partake of an evening of recreation together.  The retreat will be the focus of the church’s April 6 worship.  This is a multi-generational retreat, and people of all ages are encouraged to participate.

Peace, dwight

Helping a Church Listen to Its Collective Story
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