I am thrilled to announce the release of the new book, co-authored by myself, and Paul Sparks, and Tim Soerens. It’s called,The New Parish: How Neighborhood Churches are Transforming Mission, Discipleship and Community.
This project emerged out of loneliness, developed into friendship, and has blossomed into resurrection hope for joining God in our neighborhoods, and finding fresh “kingdom of God” imagination for the places and people in the everyday stuff of our lives.
Check out new video that IVPress has created; its a really good intro to the neighborhood movement that has, until now, gone largely unnoticed.
Video Link: The New Parish
Also, feel free to follow this link the the book’ website that will have details about our book tour and others events www.newparish.org.
Peace, dwight
I am currently reading “The New Parish,” which comes as transformation begins in my own neighborhood. For me, this also comes out of loneliness and a need to connect with people on a daily basis, instead of the usual Sunday Morning gathering; then nothing the rest of the week. I am a social worker by profession and at this point, an individual who seems to be pastoring the change on my street. I look forward to learning more and perhaps making some connections with some of your people. Hannah