If you know me at all, then you know how passionate I am about the mission of the grad school where I get to teach. You may have already heard that The Seattle School was recently awarded a grant to bridge the gap that often exists between on-the-ground ministry leaders and seminary education.

In deep partnership with the Parish Collective (the same partnership hosting the Inhabit Conference) The Seattle School has recently announced a new think-tank for leaders seeking integrate mission and formation. The Leadership in the New Parish think-tank is open to ministry leaders who are seeking to deepen their personal practices of holistic-place-based living and seeking to guide their church/organization into even deeper missional practices within their neighborhood. It is open to leaders – regardless of their educational background – the only requirement is the longing to enter into a peer learning environment to deepen our practices rooting in place. The think-tank functions as certificate program earning leaders continuing education units.
I only wish that a such a program existed when I was church-planting and leading the missional community.
We’ve recently begun to accept applications.
peace, dwight