My friend, Jim Henderson, founder of Off-the-Map, co-author Jim and Casper Go to Church, and author of Evangelism Without Additives together with Tyler Mahoney started a new web service called: ChurchRater.com.
On a number of occasions Jim and I have engaged one another around the wisdom of such a web-site… I think it is safe to say that we have differing perspectives on the value of such a site, and its theological and cultural significance.
Apparently the NPR show “All Tech Considered” found Jim & Tyler’s ChurchRater and decided to do a story about it. When they asked Jim for a person who might have an “alternative” perspective Jim kindly gave them my name. So last week I had a short conversation with a producer from “All Tech Considered.”
The story aired yesterday and you can listen to, or read the story the NPR story here.
It feels odd to critique a service created by a friend because that same friend recommended I critique it… that’s just one of the many reasons why I love Jim Henderson.
Peace, dwight
Thanks Dwight
I was hoping they would be able to mention your book
I welcome critique because it is impossible to be right all the time and besides disagreeing is not as bad as being disagreeable
Hey Dwight,
You should email the producer the link to your site, she is trying to update the NPR blog post with links right now.
Great comments, you sounded good on the air man. A solid radio voice in the making.