What makes theology practical is not the fitting of orthopedic devices to theoretical concepts in order to make them walk. Rather, theology occurs as a divine partner joins us on our walk, stimulating our reflection and inspiring us to recognize the living Word, as happened to the two walking on the road to Emmaus on the first Easter (Lk 24) … At the center of the discussion of the nature of practical theology is the issue of the relation of theory to praxis. If theory precedes and determines practice, then practice tends to be concerned primarily with methods, techniques and strategies for ministry, lacking theological substance. If practice takes priority over theory, ministry tends to be based on pragmatic results rather than prophetic revelation … Barth, from the beginning, resisted all attempts to portray theory and praxis in opposition to one another, In his early Church Dogmatics he described any distinction between “theoretical” and “practical” as a “primal lie, which has to be resisted in principal”. The understanding of Christ as the light of life can be understood only as a “theory which has its origin and goal in praxis”.
Ray S. ANderson, The Shape of Pratical Theology

Ever since I learned of the death of theologian Ray Anderson (he passed away on Sunday, June 21, 2009), I’ve found myself reflecting on how he chose to live his life, which has led me to also reflect on my own.
Dr. Anderson was the consummate pastor/theologian, serving in the same geographical community, learning community and faith community for decades. Ray was the theologian, who more than anyone shaped my incarnational theology; and has been a leading light in the integration of theology & psychology. And I love the way he personally invested himself in the lives of emerging church leaders.
Though I did not know Dr. Anderson personally, I have read many, many of his writings, and have been personally influenced by many whose lives he touched. For a lovely tribute of his life see Christian D. Kettler’s blog.
My deepest condolences go out to all those for whom Ray’s death leaves a daily void.
Rest in Peace, dwight