What is the future or possible futures of evangelicalism?
The movement of evangelicalism seems to be at a crossroads. The baton of leadership of the modern evangelical movement is being passed along. The political landscape is changing. The philosophical and cultural context in the America is changing. Ecclesiologies and understandings of leadership are morphing. Evangelical schools are wrestling with these deep shifts.
Who are next leaders picking up the mantel of leadership and what do kinds of evangelicalism might we anticipate in this transition? What are the greatest challenges for evangelicalism in this season? What practices and what theologies will be maintained, what requires reformation, what past theologies and practices do we as a movement need to repent of, and how might we envision this movement’s future.
These are some of the kinds of questions that a small group writers and thinkers are engaging in a new writing project. I am beginning to work on my essays for the collection and I’m looking for suggested reading and ideas to consider.
peace, dwight
i’m a friend of one of your former students, matt shedden. i stop by here from time to time. this post is how i wish i blogged. so many questions… awesome!