If you were ever part of this simple church over the past 11 years, then you are invited to an “I was part of Quest” party on Sunday, July 15 starting at 5:00 pm at the Friesen’s house (bring beverages and snacks).
As some of you know, we are ending Quest as an official church. One of the things we’d like to do is invite any and all of you who have been a part of Quest to come on over. There is no program, so stop by whenever you can for some summer talking and catching up with others. Having been part of the community from its very beginning I want you to know that your presence in Quest (for however long or short) has been greatly appreciated and you have helped shape who we were as a Christ-commons and who I am . . . thank you. And as always feel free to bring other people who have been part of Quest over the years.
Hope to see you then!
Peace, dwight