Our “expression gathering” is a vital part of the life of our community… in fact they often feel a bit like family gatherings.
On the second Sunday of each month we gather to encounter the mystery and story of God. Sometimes its a remembering, sometimes its more of discovering, and sometimes its a surprise. But we its an evening spent in worship and conversation regarding how our lives can find meaning and hope in connection with God and others. If you have ever participated in a church service or seen one on TV or in a film then you have a sense of what this gathering is about… though a lot less formal.

While our gatherings are conversational in nature with an eye to a lived spirituality in the everyday stuff of life, we do gather centered on Jesus of Nazareth, drawing broadly from the richness of the various streams of spiritual traditions. We pray, story, observe Communion, and discern collectively. We try to be relationally organized so the the presence of each person actually shapes the experience for all. We sense that it should matter any and every time a person participates in the life of this community.
Our evenings vary in content, yet the focus is always on following Jesus’ way of loving God, neighbor, and self. We engage in discussion and formational practices that help us to discover God’s activity in the world, our neighborhoods, and in our own lives. Each person comes prepared to share themselves; bringing a song, a story, a God-moment, etc. Sundays from 4:00-6:00 PM.
The family gathering is @ Dwight & Lynette’s home in Bellevue.
Quest’s Rhythm of Gathering
Peace, dwight