In the history of the modern evangelical movement it could be argued that no gathering has been more influential in shaping evangelicalism than the first two gatherings of the Lausanne Conference. I was privileged to be a participant in Lausanne’s Younger Leaders Gathering (YLG) in Malaysia earlier in the autumn.
During the flight home I was talking with Chris Keller (editor of The Other Journal: an Intersection of Theology and Culture), and as we debriefed our Lausanne experiences we ended up exploring the question:
“Having been to Lausanne’s YLG, do I want to be an evangelical?”
We had a lively conversation, and the seedlings of our brief conversation have morphed into a small collection of response-essays from delegates to Lausanne‘s YLG from around the world.These response-essays are now live on The Other Journal‘s website; here’s the link to my response. I always find it helpful to hear other’s perspectives, especially those different from my own.
Peace, dwight