Last week I highlighted Off-the-map’s upcoming event with David Ruis, titled “what ever happened to the Holy Spirit?” there are a few other Seattle area events worth noting:
The Poetry Series presented by Seattle Arts & Lectures: Four nights & six poets. Robert Bly, Adrienne Rich, Tony Hoagland, Peter Gizzi, Tyehimba Jess, and Mary Ruefle.
Leadership Crucible presented by Mars Hill Graduate School: is an experience that simulates real world leadership challenges instead of just talking about them. Participants will be part of the leadership team of one of four distinct organizations within the created city of Enoch Hills. The team leading this engagement just returned from guiding some of the leaders of Rob Bell’s church in Grand Rapids through this experience.
Living Theology: A Lecture in Honor of Dr. Stanley J. Grenz presented by Mars Hill Graduate School: Dr. Darrell Cosden of the will be presenting a free lecture playfully and enticingly titled, “The Named Human and the Question of ‘Being’ Christlike: Re=visioning Evangelical Spirituality through Renewing the Communicatio Idiomatum.”, March 3rd, watch for details.
The Church Has Left the Building presented by Tom & Christine Sine & the Mustard Seed Associates. A gathering of the Missional Edge. Come experience, connect & create the future one mustard seed at a time. Registration.
New Monasticism Learning Party presented as a pre-conference directly before The church Has Left the Building by COTA, Monkfish Abbey, The Simple Way (Philadelphia, PA) April 27 registration.
Peace, dwight
Dear Dwight,
Your website has been coming up on our website stats count as the our 4th largest referral site, and it has gotten my curiousity up. I haven’t found anywhere on your site that links with us. Do you play one of our instruments?
God Bless you!
Mary Weber