“The imagination plays a great role in the
St. John of the Cross
spiritual development of the soul.”
Do you wish to form an intentional relationship with a person who could provide mentoring, companionship, and gentle guidance for you as you nurture our spiritual practice? If so, you may wish to find a spiritual director, or a soul friend.
Spiritual direction is a gift from the Divine. Open your heart and mind to those around you, attentive to those whose spirituality beckons you. Soul friends can emerge in the most unlikely of places. Keeping an open mind about your potential director can be wise, as you may be surprised at the person who need at this moment along your journey.
To find a spiritual director:
- Open to the Divine, meditatively or prayerful invite Spirit’s guidance.
- Ask close friends you trust or maybe your one of your spiritual guides. A personal referral from a trusted friend goes a long way. Sometimes friends, chaplains, or clergy will know about persons who are gifted in the art of sharing the life of Christ-dependence. The life of serious, intentional dependence on Christ is intimate. For this reason, use discretion when talking about spirituality, especially with casual friends. Many people find the topic of prayer unsettling or embarrassing — so, out of respect for such persons, be wise when discussing your prayer life, especially in casual conversation.
- Email ( DwightJFriesen@gmail.com ) or me and we can discuss Spiritual Direction on a more personal level. And see if we might be a fit for this time in your life.
While being in relationship with a spiritual director can help you deepen your practice – maybe this goes without saying – yet this relationship, is a support for you in your ongoing process of touching into the narratives, values, practices, and desires that you live into and out of. Blessings as you discern your next steps. Remember you are not alone.
“A true artist always puts something of his time in his art, and also his soul.”
Auguste Rodin
Peace, dwight