The other day my friend Deb told me about an IM conversation that she had with me – or at least so she thought she had with me. As it turned out, she had stumbled across another Dwight Friesen, (who also happens to be from Manitoba, Canada). Deb got me thinking about people who carry this name; so far I’m aware of 5:
1) No info on the Dwight Friesen that my friend Deb talked to, just that he’s living in Manitoba.
2) Oddly enough, I met this Dwight Friesen as kids at camp in Carberry. He now works at Briercrest College.

3) There appears to be a Dwight Friesen who is a journalist for CBC in Toronto.

4) There’s a Dwight Friesen who works in school administration in San Jose, CA.

5) And there is me. BTW – as the story has it, my parents named me after Dwight L. Moody, the 19th C. Chicago preacher. Though I appear to be more moody than a preacher.

Blessings on each of you. May our world be a more beautiful, more gracious, more peaceful and more loving place for your presence.
Peace, dwight
in my eyes, there is only ONE dwight friesen
I love Blog posts like this… Don’t know why. 🙂
I snoozed on buying the .com – sigh.
are you the dwight friesen i met back in manitoba days? i was with yfc in brandon, friends with the portage crew.
if so, i’m in vancouver area now doing discipleship communities / church plants. drop me a note. cheers.
Mark, that likely was me. I lived in Brandon, did the YFC walk-a-thon, was freinds with Glenda N. and John V.
I’m so confused… are you my mother?