Yesterday Joel, Tim and I went to a day long conference with Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch (authors of, The Shaping of Things to Come). The event was hosted and sponsored by Zoe, a church community in Tacoma, pastored by Paul Sparks… got to meet him for the first time, great guy.
Saw a few folks I hadn’t seen for a while like “Portland house-church guru” – Rob Robinson; or “moving to Spain to missionally operate a café” – Jacob Bailey; or even “pastor of Mars Hill Fellowship” – Mark Driscoll.
It was especially cool to be at the event with Joel and Tim who are processing and exploring what it might mean for them to co-lead a missional community (with a few others) in Seattle.
I’ve been using The Shaping of Things to Come as one of the texts for a class on “Church” that I’ve been teaching this trimester at Mars Hill Graduate School.
Peace, dwight