The other day I was asked the question: “Suppose you were stranded on a deserted island; what three books (other then the Bible) would you want with you?”
Stranded on a deserted isle, I’d want, 1) Survival Manual: Finding Food and Shelter when you need it Most, 2) How to Build a Raft and 101 Other Ways to Escape a Deserted Island, and in case those two failed 3) Making a Hangman’s Noose.
However, I were living place where I was surrounded by people and still felt alone . . . if I was trying to live into relationality while confronted with difference and “otherness” . . . while wondering how or where or if truth fits in, I might take:
- Jürgen Moltmann’s The Spirit of Life
- Martin Buber’s I and Thou
- Michael Polanyi’s Personal Knowledge
Honorable mention:
- St. Athanasius’ On the Incarnation
- Alistair McFadyen’s The Call to Personhood
- Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann’s The Social Construction of Reality
Other suggestions?
Peace, dwight
Have to have the book on \"Preparing Beets 1001 Ways\"
good choices! some other possibilities..
Edward Farley – Good and Evil
Emmanuel Levinas – multiple choices
David Ford – Self and Salvation (newer..good stuff)
Bonhoeffer – Life Together
and of course, there\\s always some barth to have in the back pocket..
Paul Tillich – The Courage to Be