Though I’m by no means a Korn groupie, I found it interesting when Mtv reported that one of the founding members of the band has left to start his own thing. According to Korn’s website, guitarist, Brian Welch, “has chosen Jesus Christ as his Savior, and will be dedicating his musical pursuits to that end.”
I don’t know if this is a related story but Bill Maher recently claimed that Christians have a neurological disorder that “stops people from thinking.”
Peace, dwight
Korn off the Cob
Ouch! I can say that normally when artists like the Korn guitarist decides to follow Jesus Im encouraged…indeed I am once again…but his decision to just up and leave his band mates with Korn sends a twisted message to them as human beings and friends and as artists. How beautiful it would be for one to remain in the conversation with his/her friends.
Mahers comments reflect, in my view, a finger on the truth…and yet still doesnt get it. I struggle with my own children and their seeming indoctrination in Sunday school but Ill bet he prefers the humanistic indoctrination that comes with the "wane"-ing "religious" influence. For someone whos not trying to single out evangelicals he sure does alot of singling out of evangelicals. Is not true thought, faith? Is not this a call for Christians (Christ followers) to think the unthought and enter the conversation? Maybe Im mostly upset that Im going to get lumped into the one category or the other.
Another question is how the Mahers of this world become "experts" on such issues. Hmmm… Anyone know how one can get in touch with these experts to engage in a conversation of real worth? For all the great things that come from the enlightenment, why do these "progressive" thinkers still cling to the idea that it was the apex of human history (how archaic of them)? The reader may sense some frustration and anger on my part…sorry. Sadly, no matter how well we engage the "you" the gospel will never cease to offend…hell, it offends me most of the time. All I can do is love these women and men and not cut off ties just because I follow a different Lord!
At least I saw a moderately honest bumper sticker which read "Humanists have faith in reason." May we as Christ followers begin to be so honest.
I dont know if my off the cuff thoughts are fruitful in any way, I sometimes need the therapy of saying what Im thinking un-edited (mostly anyway)…Im open to others reflections.
"Two people who thought alike never really thought…not to mention one of those people becomes superfluous." Im not sure who coined that one.
I just realized, to my own amusement, that the quote about "faith in reason" could most certainly be used by the modern evangelical church as much as the humanists. Has not Christendom laid itself prostrate before the idol of reason? Ouch again…