In a recent conversation with some friends who are engaged to be married (congrats Thomas & Kelly) we got to talking about themes for their upcoming wedding. We batted a few ideas around the one that seemed to generate the most conversation was:
“If you try to keep your life for yourself, you will lose it.
But if you give up your life for me, you will find true life.”
Jesus, Luke 9:24
These two sentences may be the key to Christ’s relational hermeneutic. I can’t help wonder what our world might look like if our churches were to consistently use this hermeneutic to interpret: “and the gates of hell will not prevail against it,” or “Therefore go and make disciples…” etc.
peace, dwight
loosing as finding
What, a hermeneutic of faith = trust = risk instead of a hermeneutic of salvation = certainty = safety?
Are you mad, you heretic?
Would we have to start preaching against working jobs that sap our souls to pay for mortgages on houses that we dont especially like and the education of our children with uninspiring degrees that qualify them for the same lives that we entertain now?
My dear friend,
Thank you for a beautiful conversation yesterday afternoon. If only Jesus command were a means by which the pain and uncertainty of life might be reduced! But since it is not — may we have the courage to fall into the ambush of redemption. . .
I love you, bro.