A couple of days ago I was asked why I’ve named my on-line journal and.
I desire to bridge between. Where there is an ‘us’ and ‘them’ I want to be the and. Where there is black and white, male and female, rich and poor, hungry and satisfied, gay and straight, modern and postmodern, republican and democrat, us and them… as best as I am able I will to serve as a bridge. I understand part of God’s invitation to me as an invitation to link; to live conjunctively. It is my belief that part of the way of Christ is and. And can be a form of reconciliation.
Christ is fully human and fully God. Christ is the bridge, the link, the And; Christ is the living conjunction making all relationship possible. This is my calling as best as I understand it.
The problem with and is that and gets little respect – again sounds a lot like Christ. Few people notice and, most often people focus on the what’s on either side, (i.e.: good and evil). Between ‘the repentant thief’ and ‘the unrepentant thief’ is Christ. And moves to correct dualism restoring holistic, missional, self-emptying service in the creation of Us which is a living reflection of the Trinitarian life of God.
BTW – There were a few things which I am aware of which converged resulting in and. I had recently revisited Martin Buber’s I and Thou which is one of the most important relational texts written to date. I had just finished writing an essay on hubbing leadership and at a quest gathering Michelle created an and collage piece. Thanks Michelle, Martin, quest, and all those who contributed to the crafting of the hubbing leadership essay.
Peace, dwight
Hey Dwight
I have really been enjoying your site. I resonate strongly with your desire to be a bridge where there is an us and them. Unfortunately the church culture I grew up in went to great lengths to strictly define the us and them and as such I have had to embark on a life journey of deprogramming.
You are right that the and gets little to no respect but I am coming to learn powerfully that there is no place I would rather be. The unique role and privilege of and is being present and available to invite people into relationship. Relationship with me, relationship with community, relationship with God. Thanks for this post today, it made my day!
And an AMEN to Seans comment. Thanks Dwight for this site, so that those of us who are not in Seattle, can still benefit from your wisdom.
Seems the world wants to put an or in there, and put the two sides at odds against each other.
My dear, dear friend,
I have so much to learn from you! What a joy it has been to sit across from you, coffee in hand, experiencing your "and"-ness face-to-face. Thank you. paul
dwight, (given your topic) i have this friend that is an author and he wrote a pretty good book if you are interested in reading it ill send you a free copy if you would be willing to review??? interested???
here it is:
just let me know . . .
I would love to write a write a review. Is there a certain journal, magazine or web site that would be best for the review?
a book can be sent to:
dwight friesen
464 147th place ne
bellevue, wa 98007
peace, dwight