Teresa Acheson, who is a seminary student and radio host (listen live, www.ciay.ca Fridays @ 10pm PST) interviewed me as part of her research for a paper entitled Where is the Emerging Church Heading? She was gracious enough to let me post it.
Christianity Today has generated a lot of discussion about the emerging church since last week’s release of Andy Crouch’s article – Emergent Mystique.
Andy has sparked much blog action; I recommend taking at look at the conversation on Tony Jones‘ blog – Andy even responded. Just a few of the other people who engage the article: Jason Clark, Charlie Wear, and Sean Sargent. Andy, I just want you to know how much I miss “re:generation”, that was a beautiful project.
On a whole different note, I have been having a blast developing a syllabus for a class I’ll be teaching at Mars Hill Graduate School next trimester. The course of study I’ll be facilitating is “The Church.”
peace, dwight
hi dwight
great to hear about the course – and i love that it is called The Church, and not Emerging Church. I have always been a fan of what you and Dallas have been involved in since we met in Seattle in . . . dang . . when was it . . 1999? or earlier.
Anyway, i am teaching next week at the "Network Focused Churches Conference in Sheffield. I am throwing some free resources on a CD-ROM for the strategists there – could i through 2 of yours? – the last 2 PDF. in your series that deal with this topic. let me know. If not, i will find a way to give them the address to them.
Hey – your use of the word "tacit". how is it different from "intuitive"?