I’ve continued sitting with the idea of being “created for not knowing.” Which has going back to scripture’s creation accounts, to look afresh at what immediately follows the introduction of the knowledge of good and evil.
Shame rushes in as an accuser; and when accused our primordial ancestors hide their faces. They must hide for they fear the accusation is true and at the same moment they deny the truth in the accusation by striving to be what they are not – they strive to be God. What is the accusation? – that they are not good enough. The knowledge of good and evil pits the two in eternal conflict without such knowledge the natural state of existence would be to ‘be.’ I’m not using knowledge in a “cognitive” Cartesian sense but in Polanyian – “tacit knowing” sense.
It seems we want to be anything but who we are created by God to be. Could we say that is the loss of a related self-hood? – that the knowledge of good and evil always moves toward isolation and loneliness?
Maybe if a person could be fully themselves (which would have to be relational) they would be beyond good and evil.
peace, dwight