I’m in the process of doing a deep dive into feminist theology. So much of it resonates, opens me up, and is giving me even better language. I’m discovering that I share even more feminist concerns regarding the results of churches’ use of male language and even more importantly, the systems of dominance which the hierarchical/male reified social structures propagate.
Something is clicking together for me that I don’t think I have appreciated until now… maybe “maternity” is not the opposite of “paternity,” and to pit the two against each other may be less than helpful – though potentially a necessary part of the deconstructive process – but it appears that the opposite of paternity is “fraternity.”
Historically we have even called this kind of relationship “brotherly love” or “love for a fellow human being.” Again we see male language but it is being used in this case to highlight a bond which transcends normal male relatedness; the desire to conquer, competition, etc. We’re talking about a love toward the greater human community…. real friendship as the antidote to patriarchy.
I doubt widespread friendship is possible within a Capitalist system.
BTW – check out the “Visual Relationships” clip on One Small Barking Dog.
Peace, dwight