When I was in Phoenix last week at my friend Peter’s wedding, I had the chance to share a room with some of Peter’s philosophy buddies from college who introduced me to the person and work of Max Scheler. Scheler was German philosopher who developed the philosophical method of Husserl… the founder of phenomenology. Scheler’s work seems to be broken broadly into two periods.
During the first period, the predominant areas of investigation were value-ethics, feelings, religion, political theory, and related areas thereof, all treated under the aspect of Max Scheler’s very own understanding of phenomenology.
The second period is characterized by almost daring elucidations of the Deity as unfinished and becoming along with the becoming of the cosmos and human history themselves.
It is this second area that I find most interesting at the moment… it’s so nice to meet a new conversation partner. I wander how he might enlarge my imagination for life and love?
Peace, dwight
PS – The last few weeks have I’ve had to find new hosts for all my sites, my blog service went down and I was loosing email for a while. I think its all fixed and properly routed again.