I’m in the process of grading a stack of research papers for a course at Mars Hill Grad School. At the same time I have some writing deadlines that are coming due in my doctoral program. So I’ve been spending a lot of long days and late nights reading, writing, and researching in my studio. Thus, this journal has not been updated with near the frequency as it has at times in the past.
Yesterday there was a Mars Hill faculty development gathering which they kindly invited me to attend, even though I’m grader. As it turned out there were about ten of us in a small group discussion. I found myself looking at these very accomplished people sitting around that corner of the library just astounded that I had been graced to be sitting there.
Now I know that I’m not faculty but it makes me hopeful one day, some school, somewhere might invite me to serve as a guide for some of their students in this journey of discovery that all of us are wooed to walk in faith.
In the last few years I’ve spent more and more time dialoguing with leaders of emerging faith communities. I would like to, as best as I’m able, position myself to engage in that way even more.
But for now, the question before me is: can I faithfully engage with the gift each student has labored to produce and offered for my consideration and grading? Can I continue faithfully with my research and writing in my own studies? Can I serve my Christ-commons in such a way that each person and us as a community are rhizomically knit in a Kin-dom network? How will I be the dad to Pascal that I can be? How can I so decease that Lynette can increase? In this season where I feel more uncertain than certain can I trust the Love that is my God?
Peace, dwight