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Chad raises an important point of for further discussion from my last post. I’d like to try to speak to it, but please recognize that I am still very much in process on this one…

In my 12/13/2003 journal entry I was not meaning to suggest that absolutes (though I prefer the word “reality’) don’t exist. I believe in reality – however, we never encounter absolutes in an absolute way. And our personal knowledge (see Polanyi) of the absolute can never be communicated absolutely.

As such, absolutes don’t exist inherently in any text, (Scripture, my life, nature, etc.) – including what I write here. The words that you read point to reality (if you will) that is beyond the screen… the real is always beyond the verbal. There is no “magical hermeneutical system” that will unlock the capital “T” Truth that is hidden within the page.

Any encounter of the Absolute is a relational encounter and cannot be reduced to any propositional or narrative form. By nature the Absolute must be occasional and unique to the time/place/relationship/person/community.

This is why following Christ is a relational/communal/faith journey. The Holy Spirit guides all toward Truth – Truth as a person. To hold to the Absolute is to look beyond self and beyond all systems of belief to Christ alone.

To hold externals as absolutes may in fact signal a weakness of faith and a desire to conquer our doubts and fears within systems of our own making.

The issue is not can I know what truth is, as much as the issue is, can I/we trust God to make Himself known and to guide us to Himself.

Peace, dwight

From Absolute to Reality
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