What would happen if we revisioned our theology of the “fall.” Clearly our creation accounts indicate that all was not perfect before the fall, (God even declares it is not all good…) in chapter two of Genesis… it is not good to be alone. Also, there is in the “pre-fall” garden a tree of the knowledge of – wait for it – good & evil. And as if that wasn’t enough, death was already present in the pre-fall garden, and we can’t forget about the presence of the serpent.
Maybe the assertion of “self” that we see Adam and Eve make is like a baby becoming self aware – Mine – No, etc. thus the “fall” becomes more of a starting place for intimacy and reciprocity than a fall from a perfected state. Like a baby in the womb is volitionally sinless because it cannot assert self.
I think all theory and ideology are up for revision. Personal knowledge of reality is not – yet, we try. I already look back aspects of my life with Christ and see things differently. Nevertheless, my whole narrative is my personal knowledge, so even though I may have regrets when I think back, regrets don’t help me, embracing my whole story, authenticates my experience of the Living God.
One’s ability to be present with their knowledge of Christ and then to communicate their unique experience of Christ does and must change. It changes because they change, relationships change, the cosmos changes, and their perceptions of Christ change (maybe God changes – but that’s a separate discussion).
All that to say no theology is “safe” from revision (nor would we want it to be), however, I’m not sure we can revision mystery. We can run from mystery, but when a person has a “genuine” encounter with God – they know it – they can deny it but they know it. The rest of their life becomes an apologetic for their response to that mystery. People of the spirit not people of the theology. At least I think that’s kinda what I think?!?!?
Peace, dwight