In the modern era one of the most troubling theological enigmas was the Christian understanding of the Holy Trinity. Trying to wrap our little enlightened rational minds around how God could be one while simultaneously being three proved troubling indeed.
Today, things are different.
In fact the relationality of the Divine, the three-and-oneness of God is one of the most compelling aspects of Christian thought for many people. Plurality and oneness, the celebrating of individual uniqueness while simultaneously selfless giving of self to the other, and to the us is fast becoming the center point for many fresh understanding of life and faith.
So while the Trinity may have been a stumbling block to the modern mind, the Trinity maybe one of the few elements of historic Christian theology that makes sense in the postmodern world.
What to better understand and experience community? Relationality? Love? Self-emptying? Justice? Hope? The church? Look to the Trinity.
And of course by implication, want a fresh understanding of sin, heaven & hell, salvation/atonement, death look at the it through Trinitarian eyes.
Peace, dwight