The Eastern Orthodox concept of the center point of the gospel as the incarnation of Christ makes more and more sense to me. If we are relationally created by a relational God (One/Three), than it make sense that the Emmanuel (God with Us) is core.
In order for any relationship to endure, death is essential. Call it kenosis, emptying, self-negation, the way of the cross, etc.; offering oneself for the “other” and for the “Us” is a relational necessity. To pursue self is anti-relational, is anit-Christ.
The cross of Christ is vital. Because life, love and relationship is only possible if one is dies to self.
The relational beauty of the incarnation of Christ is not the Cross but is his Ascension.
Incarnation = God with Human
Cross = death to self for life together
Ascension = Human with God
When Jesus Christ ascends to our Father we see the Divine/Human relationship move to a relationship of reciprocity, (which is now and not yet). Jesus – fully God and fully human present with God in perfect oneness. And his high priestly prayer suggesting that can be our experience too.
Peace, dwight