I find it odd how much I struggle – at times – to know how to bring the complexity of my self to this site and this online platform.
I am the pastor of a fellowship of Christ-commons dubbed “quest“, since we began to gather and do life together some seven years ago our constant continues to be change.
We’re in the midst of morphing again. A significant morph, a change in perspective that could impact the kingdom of God and/or could be the death of the very community that we helped birth.
I have been feeling scared. I don’t know what to do. Apart from my wife I have been feeling more alone than I ever have. And do you know what God did? The Divine lit up my Instant Messenger with life-giving conversations with Earl and Peter. My phone rang with Heather and then Len, and I shared a cup of coffee with Sky and had lunch with my partner, Lynette. My shoulders are shacking and tears are streaming, as I am sitting here in my studio thinking about the way God has been loving me.
But I still don’t know what to do, but God has pulled back the heavens and reminded me that its not about me and that I’m not alone.
Peace, dwight