Could heaven and hell be the same place? (this one is for Todd)
For all of the talk of streets of gold, angels on clouds playing harps, and such – within the Christian tradition – Heaven is generally understood as something something like, existing in the unfiltered, unmediated presence of the Divine. No shadows, only light. Justice, shalom, love, perfect presence, and unending WITHness. While Hell is seen as a place of torment… darkness… isolation… desolation.
Could it be that both Heaven and Hell are both the loving presence of God.
For the person seeking after the Divine, Heaven would be to have an eternity to find yourself in God, exploring inexhaustible Being of the Divine, knowing communion, differentiated oneness, and living the mystery or something like that. While for the person rejecting God’s open invitation to loving relationship it would be utter torment to spend and eternity rejecting the love and union being offered.
If you have ever been lucky enough to be head-over-heels in love, you likely have known the experience of time standing still. Where you lose track of everything but being together… sounds like a taste of Heaven. On the flipside. If you have ever had an ugly breakup – one that went really sour – then you know how painful it can be in the presence of that person. Imagine you want nothing to do with that person, yet they continue to longing to be in relationship with you… sounds a little like hell, maybe!?
Peace, dwight