Maybe you’re searching for a friend, meaning, belonging, truth, a sense of being a part of something bigger than you, or maybe just a good cup of coffee or the perfect micro brew. We all search.
When you climb off your mountain bike to sit down by a mountain stream and think. What do you ponder? “Is this it?” “Will my new _______ really satisfy me to the core of my being?” “Is there a God?” “If so, so what or who?”
If you’ve had thoughts like that from time to time, than there may be spiritual component to your searching. To be a seeker in the spiritual realm is to seriously consider – or reconsider – what God means to you.
As a searching person you’re open to the possibility that God might be real and able to make a definite difference.
Things in your life don’t have to suck to spawn seeking – you don’t have to be desperate. But you do have to be looking for something more. You’ve stopped pretending you have it all together. You’ve laid down the mask that you’ve used, on occasion to hide behind. You know you don’t know – but you want to. You’re open-minded and you’re willing to think, discuss, research, be challenged and to act – when the time is right.
Considerations in your search for God
“Ask and it will be given to you: seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be open.” Jesus (Matthew chapter 7: verses 7-8)
Why do you want to know God – what do you hope to get from God?
People search for God for various reasons. Some think their search will lead to a more fulfilling life or a greater sense of purpose. Others are looking for relief from pain. Still others are curious and just want to find out what’s true. What’s your reason?
Perhaps you’re searching because you want to find greater happiness. What if you find God, but your life circumstances lead to less happiness? Will you feel cheated? People who follow Jesus sometimes share stories of God giving meaning, purpose, joy, and hope, but nearly every honest “Christ follower” will also admit to experiencing difficulty.
So this might be a helpful question for you: What am I looking for? And, conversely, what does God offer me? As a pastor, my encouragement to you is to make it your goal to find answers to questions like these.
Are you placing limitations on what God can ask from you?
Do you realize that God wants to be a powerful presence in your life, not just an idea in your head? Following him means following God’s leadership. So let’s be honest – accepting that leadership will affect your lifestyle.
What do you think about Jesus?
Oxford professor, writer and thinker C. S. Lewis once said that there can be only three options when considering Jesus Christ.
Jesus is a liar. He was making it all up. But why would he die for a hoax? Why would his friends continue to follow him long after his death, and ultimately die for their beliefs?
Jesus is a lunatic. Just nuts. But why is there so much truth in his words? How would a “crazy” person become the most influential person to have ever walked the earth? Why would the religious leaders of the day feel so threatened by someone who was a few bricks short of a load?
Jesus Christ is Lord. He is who he says he is. And if that is true then we may need to take a close look at his life and words.
Don’t be distracted by what you’ve heard about Jesus. Read his words for yourself!
How could you respond to Jesus?
The teachings of Jesus are certainly interesting and profound. But Jesus never settled for people simply agreeing intellectually with what he said. In reading the Bible, you will see that Jesus called for an all-out commitment to following him.
He asks those who seek him to make a decision to follow him. To decide to tell the truth about yourself, to ask him to forgive you and to lead you. Jesus himself is a seeker, he seeks to know you. The Bible says Jesus came to seek and to save the lost.
Jesus is throwing out life-preservers all over the place, but its up to you. Will you admit you’re drowning without land in sight, or will you take him up on his offer?
Some Recommendations:
· Ask God to reveal Godself to you, if you’re not sure God’s there.
· Find a community of people who can interact with.
· Read the God’s Story – the Bible (look in the index, find “John” and begin there. Then read “Mark” and “1 John.”)
· Talk with someone who displays a genuine relationship with God. Ask them to describe their spiritual journey.
· Start attending a church (like Quest!) on a regular basis.
· Spend time in nature, observing and experiencing God’s creation.
· Question things most people take for granted – be a lover of truth.
· Write down your thoughts and questions.
· Expect ongoing questions and some doubts along the way.
· Reflect on your presuppositions (the things you already believe). Try as much as possible not to allow those things to interfere with your pursuit – strive to be objective and rational as you seek to encounter the mystery of God.
· Remember you don’t have to know everything to know something.
· Act.
peace, dwight