On the first (1st) Sunday of each month Quest piles into someone’s home to celebrate communion while sharing a meal.  In the Christian tradition we refer this table as the Lord’s. God sets a place at the table for everyone, and all are welcome. For all people are created as bearers of the Divine image and likeness. Our diversity reflects God’s multiplicity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) and our unity reflects God’s oneness.

This is a beautiful time of being with God and each other.  In the Bible we often see Jesus eating with friends, in fact Jesus never turns down an opportunity to go to a party or break bread.  We sense that eating together is a vital aspect of communal life, and such meals may be the key to experiencing healing in a world far too familiar with fragmentation and division.  ‘The Meal’ is also our intentional remembering & rediscovery of the murder of Jesus, his solidarity in suffering systemic and personal oppression, his victory over death, and the life of love into which Christ invites our participation.

The location of THE MEAL changes each month, please email Dwight for directions.  First Sunday night of each month at 4:00-6:00 PM.

Quest’s Rhythm of Gathering

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First Sunday
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Second Sunday
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Third Sunday
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[Fifth] Sunday
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Last Sunday

Peace, dwight

The Meal
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