relationality texts

relationality texts

Bold Love, by Dan Allender Linked, by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi Holy Trinity, Perfect Community, by Leonardo Boff Life Together, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer Sanctorum Communio, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer Nexus, by Mark Buchanan I and Thou, by Martin Buber The Love of God,

Hugging Until Relaxed

Hugging Until Relaxed

In a class this spring a couple of students drew some interesting “hugging connections” between Schnarch and Volf. In David Schnarch’s Passionate Marriage he encourages hug therapy, which he sums up as “hugging till relaxed”. Schnarch describes hugging till relaxed



Which came first?  The chicken or the egg?  In a brief conversation with Marty Folsom (Seattle-area theologian/counselor), he highlighted some possible connections between recursion theory and relational theology.  The language of recursion was new to me and I have much to learn.  This

what did Jesus reject?

what did Jesus reject?

In the theological process of crafting statements addressing the many and various issues which inevitably arise in the process of life (for example), there is often a summary statement followed by a series of articles of affirmation and denial. These affirmations/denials are an

perfect liquid

perfect liquid

My friend Kyle, passed along an interesting article in USA Today (April 20, 2005): “Picking apart the ‘Big Bang’ brings a big mystery.” “From colliding atoms: Instead of a hot gas of independent particles, top, experiments generated a ‘perfect’ liquid

rev. hosea?

rev. hosea?

Among the many intriguing characters of Holy Scripture is the Northern Kingdom prophet Hosea(circa 8-7 century BC). He’s the man God called to marry a “prostitute” named Gomer as radical form of prophetic performance art. It’s a tragic relational story.

Community Mapping

Community Mapping

Bill Wallenbeck of Jacob’s Well just preached a sermon called Scale-Free Networks and the Kingdom using some concepts of Scale-free networks, he even drew on some of my research. Check it out.  Tim Samoff posted some photos of a community-mapping



Special thanks to Amber for recently directing my attention to “Sobornost.” Sobornost is a Russian Orthodox social church theory. It is a communal unity by free association in Christ finding expression in gathered church where harmony is attained by free

Triune Living

Triune Living

Many people have commented on the resurgence of Protestant Trinitarian writing and research post-Barth. In an era where the postfoundational, postcritical, postmodern, post-etc. reign supreme, objective propositional claims of truth no longer carry the weight they once carried with certainty.

14 Years

14 Years

Today Lynette and I celebrate our fourteen years of discovering our own ways of reflecting God’s relationality. Fourteen years sounds like a long time to me but it sure hasn’t felt like a long time. In fact it’s hard to

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