Navigating the cacophonous choruses of our culture’s religious and secular fundamentalists can be overwhelming. What does it mean for Christians to be salt and light in this acrimonious cultural climate? How might Christians live faithfully without colluding with partisan shouting? Are there more productive atheisms and theisms than we find in their contemporary resurgent forms? How do we understand the rise of the current “God debate,” and is there a third way beyond it?

Come join Jon in exploring how Christian faith can be a source of hospitality rather than hostility, one that opens a space for meaningful conversation between religious and secular people, and increased traffic between religious and secular thought, in our pluralistic society.

February 9, 2011, Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm @ MHGS

Three organizations are partnering together to bring Dr. Jon Stanley to Seattle to guide us into this important conversation exploring our changing context(s):

Parish Collective’s “Pedagogy of Presence” Series

MHGS’s “Alumni Speaker Series,”

The Other Journal’s “God is Dead and I don’t Feel So Good Myself

I hope to see you there.

Peace, dwight

pedagogy of presence with Jon Stanley
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