Saturday, May 16th 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

“Come Holy Spirit! Come!” for millennia Christians have given voice to this prayer. Across traditions, denomination; on the week before the Church remembers the first Pentecost Christ-followers from many traditions will gather in Seattle to envision faith and justice in our city.

Evangelical, Emerging Church, Catholic, and Mainline Christians together with those who are spiritually inclined but unrelated to any Christian community will gather in Seattle for an open “World Cafe” Conversation.  All who participate will play a dynamic role in giving form and content to our envisioning conversation. 

Our gathering theme is “Faith and Justice in the 21st Century.” Our context is the needs of our neighborhoods and cities in a time of economic recession calling us to new forms of engagement. The agenda for the day will be relaxed, giving us all room to share what we hear the Spirit calling us to do in our neighborhoods, in our cities. While we honor the gifts of the traditions in which we live, the organizers of this gathering no longer believe it is God’s will that our traditions divide us as we carry out the mission to which we are called.

Click here for more information or here for registration,

See you there,

peace, dwight

faith & justice conversation in & for Seattle
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