We have no gathering this weekend but next Sunday (1/14/2007) we will join together again. Quest highly values the need for rest. It is not our intention to fill each moment with “church gatherings.”

Just as a reminder we have built our “Connecting Weekend” into our rhythm of gatherings. As a collective we designed our rhythm to have a built in sabbath. It’s an experiment for us in trying to have our collective gatherings as community serve us, more than us being driven by weekly event. Our intend of our “Connecting Week” is to intentionally listen to our lives and seek faithful presence with those we’re in relationship with. So you might want to ask yourself: “Who or what do I need to connect with?”

This pause in our rhythm is meant to free up space to make those connections more likely plausible. Maybe you need to connect with nature and need to go sit atop Cougar Mountain, or maybe you sense a desire to connect with a new neighbor who has recently moved in, or maybe you need space for stillness and meditation, or maybe you need to paint or protest. Maybe you need to connect with another church or volunteer in some form of service. As you practice listening and inviting the Spirit to guide you toward life you will grow in your ability to name and pursue desire. Our gatherings serve us, we don’t serve them.

  • What connections are inviting your presence?
  • Could you connect with a friend or two?
  • Is creation calling to you?
  • Do you need space to organize, or clean, or get a handle on your finances?
  • Do you need time to grieve, create, or party?

I sense that God invites you, and all to a good life with thriving relationships. We as a collective hope we can serve you in your journey. Have a wonderful weekend… I hope its exactly what you need.

Note: Normally our “Connecting Weekend” is the final weekend of the month, however this month we intentionally modified our schedule. We’ll resume our regular rhythm in February.

Quest’s Monthly Rhythm of Gathering

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First Sunday
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Second Sunday
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Third Sunday
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[Fifth] Sunday
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Last Sunday

peace, dwight

Connecting Weekend
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