Yesterday in Washington DC a declaration was signed by religious and spiritual leaders to address violence against women. More than 40 leaders from different faith traditions and from around the country declared violence against women as intolerable and pledged their commitment to its eradication. The declaration which was organized by the Faith Trust Institute reads as follows:

“We proclaim with one voice as national spiritual and religious leaders that violence against women exists in all communities, including our own, and is morally, spiritually and universally intolerable.

“We acknowledge that our sacred texts, traditions and values have too often been misused to perpetuate and condone abuse.

“We commit ourselves to working toward the day when all women will be safe and abuse will be no more.

“We draw upon our healing texts and practices to help make our families and societies whole.

“Our religious and spiritual traditions compel us to work for justice and the eradication of violence against women.

“We call upon people of all religious and spiritual traditions to join us.”

Please consider adding your signature to this important declaration.

My friend and co-worker, Dr. Nancy Murphy, is the executive director of Northwest Family Life Learning & Counseling Center and is nationally known for her work with victims and perpetrators in the area of domestic violence. Each time I have the chance to interact with her; hear more of her story and learn of her work, my understanding and vision for the importance of this issue grows. Although both women and men experience domestic violence roughly one in four women will be abused in their homes – including “Christian” homes. This is an issue in and for every church.

Peace, dwight

interfaith declaration on domestic violence
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2 thoughts on “interfaith declaration on domestic violence

  • April 7, 2006 at 10:08 AM

    When will we have a public outrage directed at flags in church?

  • September 25, 2009 at 4:00 PM

    where did u get this image from as i think its really powerful and inspirational and cannot seem to find it anywhere and am a photography student trying to capture and speak out on the issue towards my alevel? please help, thankyou!!

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