Of all the teachers, both named and unnamed, who have influenced me, one stands out as having shaped my heart and teaching more than any other. A third grade teacher, committed to experiential authentic learning; Lynette Friesen has been coaching me toward crafting transformational moments, teaching me to ask questions, challenging me to keep learning, passing on good books, and freeing me from lecturing for more than 14 years.

There is no person who is shaping my teaching more than Lynette. When we were first married I held firm that it was through the “foolishness of preaching” that God’s Kingdom was advanced – and by preaching I meant “three points and a poem” – that’s all changed now. I can see more clearly the power of crafting experiences or of creating environments which encourage inquiry based engagement. She has helped me to be willing to try new approaches of communication and trust a learning community, read its needs and rely on God’s Spirit to guide people to Godself. She is a coach, a sounding board, a cheerleader, a constructive critic, an encourager, and a lover of my soul.

Lynette, thanks for sharing your passion for teaching with me; and all the other stuff too.

Love, dwight

thanks (a follow-up)
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